Monthly Archives: July 2020

Break in a Tradition….

In the year 2020, things are not normal. Today, July 3, 2020 is the first July 3rd in many years that I haven’t had a terrific view of a porty-potty when I stepped out my front door. Apparently the annual … Continue reading

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There’s been a lot in the news lately about schools — how they’re going to handle things when school resumes in the fall. Obviously, it’ll be very different. All the changes will make it hard on both the students and … Continue reading

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Welcome July

Well here we are approaching that great American Holiday, the 4th of July — America’s Independence Day and with it all the associated pageantry of parades, hot dogs, barbecues, picnics, fireworks and porta-potties.  Both faithful readers know that I get … Continue reading

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