Monthly Archives: February 2019

A Lot Alike….

Today is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday — the sixteenth president of the United States and president during the Civil War, he will forever be remembered by his inspirational rise to fame, his efforts to rid the country of slavery, and his … Continue reading

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The Way It Was

When I was putting away this year’s Christmas decorations, I happened to look at one of the old, crumpled-up pieces of paper that has been used for packing to store the decorations for years. It was an article from the … Continue reading

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Don’t be Square Anymore

I heard the phrase, ‘make hay while the sun shines’ yesterday. I hadn’t heard it in a long time. I think its been around forever and it may even be considered a proverb. It probably originated with Medieval English farmers. … Continue reading

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Last Tuesday evening, the President gave the annual State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. George Washington delivered the first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1790. The … Continue reading

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Yesterday was the start of Chinese New Year — It was also the the beginning of Tet in Vietnam. The Tet holiday (known as Set Nguyen Dan in Vietnam) starts on the beginning of a new year based on the … Continue reading

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Happy (Chinese) New Year

Today (February 5th) is the beginning of the Chinese New Year — it is the year of the Pig and is the 4716th Chinese Year. One sixth of the world’s population celebrate it. Faithful readers of this blog know that … Continue reading

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Party On….

We went to a Super Bowl party last night. We had a really good time, as usual. The game, won by the Patriots, generally received fairly poor reviews and it didn’t set any records as being the most watched game … Continue reading

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Super Bowl Sunday

Today is Super Bowl LIII – between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams. I’m pretty sure this the the first time both teams got to the Super Bowl via overtime wins in the Conference Championship games. This … Continue reading

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Groundhog Day — 2019

Well, here it is February and time for Groundhog Day. It always falls on February 2nd and it traditionally marks the midpoint between the winter solstice (in December) and the spring equinox (in March.) I usually update this blog every … Continue reading

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