Monthly Archives: January 2013


There’s been a lot of talk about the Redskins lately, even though they fizzled in the playoffs. But the real subject of interest is the health of RGIII, the Washington Quarterback or savior depending on your view. There’s no doubt … Continue reading

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That’s the Spirit

If you go by the decorations in our house (like the number of Christmas trees) — Christmas usually ends sometime between George Washington’s Birthday and Easter. But something strange is happening this year. Today is January 10th and a full … Continue reading

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Forward — or Suffer the Consequences

I was cleaning out some old e-mails as part of my “clean-start” for the new year and came across one that had a religious theme and contained a prayer and an invitation to pray for anything you need/want. I really … Continue reading

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New Year — New News

Well, both you faithful readers know that an update to this blog is long over-due. Since it’s a new year, I’m going to try to keep it more current. And besides that, there’s a great reason for an update. We … Continue reading

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