Category Archives: Uncategorized

Six Long Months

Six months ago today Claire, and a huge part of me, died. I didn’t write what’s below for this blog, or even for anyone to read. I wrote it for myself. Someone told me sometimes it helps to write your … Continue reading

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Camp John Hay

When we lived in Manila, we were fortunate to have been able to make a few trips to Baguio — up in the mountains where the climate was temperate, even cold during the nights. Back in 1903, Baguio was made … Continue reading

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Chinese Dinner

A few days ago, I mention how our first dinner party, after we were married, didn’t turn out quite like we had planned. That brought to mind another dinner party that didn’t go exactly as planned…. We had just moved … Continue reading

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I have to admit, these writings have been pretty boring recently — I imagine they have produced a yawn or two. Well, that got me to thinking…. why do people yawn anyway? And did you ever notice that yawning seems … Continue reading

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Dinner Party

Claire was a good cook — I think she was a really good cook. But one of the first “dinner parties” we had after we were married, may have shaken her confidence a little. Actually, I don’t think anything ever … Continue reading

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Dawa and Elephant Stew

When we were much younger and living overseas, we had a well-stocked liquor cabinet because (1) liquor was very cheap (no taxes) and (2) we entertained a lot and for some reason back then people seemed to consume more mixed … Continue reading

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Years ago, when our son was probably about 3 years old, we visited my parents in Oklahoma. On Sundays we always went to church with my mother. One Sunday, my mom gave David a fifty-cent piece and told him to … Continue reading

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Quite a long time back, I wrote about ketchup — I chose the subject because when  our daughter was little she insisted on putting catchup on everything she ate. Anyhow, if I remember, I discussed kind of how ketchup came … Continue reading

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With the coming of Artificial Intelligence, all the scams on the phone and Internet, and the political rhetoric, it seems like we’re living in fact-free world. Of course whether they were for fun, notoriety, or profit, hoaxes have been around … Continue reading

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Cat Food

When I lived in Saigon, I had an apartment downtown on Tu Do Street. I basically only slept there, because during the height of the war, we worked long hours and often didn’t come home for several days. But I … Continue reading

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