Author Archives: Jimmy

I Do Believe….

Abraham Lincoln said you can fool all of the people some of the time and and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all the people all of the time. After listening to the news … Continue reading

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Take A Cab

This story is hard to believe, but as they say —truth is stranger than fiction, sometimes. During my tour in Vietnam, I was assigned a jeep and I owned a motorcycle. So you’d think I didn’t lack for transportation. But … Continue reading

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My apologies for this entry — it’s just one of those days…..I never meant for this to be a whining blog. I’ve tried to make it about something that has happened or whatever happens to be on my mind when … Continue reading

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The Olympics in Paris just concluded and I was reading an article about memorable Olympics. It was interesting — a lot of the Olympics mentioned, I remember. In 1972 I was in Jakarta, Indonesia during the Olympics and was in … Continue reading

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As grandkids are prone to do, they usually leave something behind when they visit. Not long ago, I ran across a pair of tennis shoes. I noticed that they didn’t have laces — they used Velcro. II appears that even … Continue reading

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Pirate Treasure

Both you readers know I’m a big fan of pirates and there are all sorts of stories about them burying treasures all around the world. Undoubtedly some of these are true and a lot just someone’s imagination. But one legend … Continue reading

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Political Advice

One the years, I’ve written a number of times about Abraham Lincoln — usually on, or around, his birthday. But since one of the current presidential candidates constantly compares himself to Lincoln, I thought I’d talk about him a little … Continue reading

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My neighbor travels fairly often, but they’re usually short business trips. A few days ago, he told me he was going to be gone maybe a few weeks. I asked him if he needed anything before he left or if … Continue reading

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Anyone that’s ever been to West Africa knows there is a saying, “WAWA.” It means “West Africa Wins Again.” If my experiences in that part of the world are any indication, I think there’s a lot of truth to it.One … Continue reading

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A Charming Neighborhood

Over the years we had a lot of “different” experiences and adventures. For a while we lived in one of the world’s oldest cities. We had a very nice, but rather small, house but it was plenty roomy enough for … Continue reading

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