Palindrome Numbers

Seems Like the subject around here lately has been related to numbers. So I thought today might be a good time to discuss palindrome numbers. Palindrome is a term for when a word or phrase is spelled the same way backward as it is forward. Some examples include madam, racecar, kayak, civic, and radar. But number sequences, dates and times can also be palindromes, like 5/20/2025 and 11:11. 

Palindrome dates are fairly rare, and maybe for that reason, they are believed to be lucky. If you want to check that out, here are the palindrome dates that will occur in 2025:
5/2/25    5/20/25    5/21/25    5/22/25    5/23/25    5/24/25    5/25/25
5/26/25    5/27 25    5/28/25    5/29/25 
These dates are expressed in short using only the rightmost two digits of the year number in the month/day/year format.
Date number written in short form using only the rightmost two digits of the year repeat every century, so all the short-written dates in 2025 will repeat again in 2125. But the date expressed as 5/20/2025 won’t repeat.

In case you’re wondering, I became more aware of palindrome dates when picking a date for Claire’s funeral. Because of scheduling at the church, we had several to choose from, but 4/20/24 kind of jumped out because it was a palindrome number. I don’t consider it to be lucky, but maybe it was a sign…..
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One Response to Palindrome Numbers

  1. Suzanne says:

    Aww very cool! Despite not liking math I do enjoy spotting a palindrome! How nifty that “anniversary day” is a palindrome this year!

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