
I had lunch a day or so ago with a couple of friends. They mention that on my blog I’d mentioned that 30 was an important number. But they thought 37 was an important number and they they saw it everywhere. 

Well, that got me to thinking about Angle Numbers — something that I’d written about some time back. I wasn’t aware of Angle Numbers until a nurse at one of the doctor’s offices I was visiting told me about them… her Angel Number was 22. So I thought if my friends kept seeing 37, that might be their Angel Number….
Angle Numbers appear when your angels are trying to communicate with you, sending a message to guide you towards your life purpose and soul mission. When you see these numbers appear, trust that your angels are on your side and only want what is best for your. 
Angel Number 37 signifies using your gifts to improve your life, being of service to others with wisdom, achieving your goals through hard work, and receiving a sign from your angels that you’re on the right path. Angel Number 37 is a message from the divine realm that everything you’re doing in the present moment is working, and leading you closer to accomplishing want you want most.
So — maybe 37 is my friend’s Angel Number. Or — maybe not.

But it doesn’t matter — 37 is an interesting number. 37 is the 12th prime number and the atomic number of rubidium. The normal human body temperature is 37 degrees Celsius. 
When asked to pick a random number between 1 and 100, a lot of people choose 37. This is part of the “Randomness Paradox,” that I studied in one of those math courses that I didn’t understand. The paradox basically shows that our idea of randomness isn’t as random as we think. There is also something called the “Blue-Seven Phenomenon” where people, when asked to  pick a random color and number, most often choose blue and 7. Seven is almost always the most common single-digit number and for two-digit numbers, 37 is the most popular. 

I had a math professor in school that was big on number “tricks.” He usually shared one of these during every class — certainly made the class more interesting. Here’s one that’s especially appropriate for today’s subject:
Take a single digit number — example: 9
Write it 3 times to form 999
Add the digits (9+9+9) = 27
Now divide the number with the sum of its digits: 999 ÷ 27 = 37
The answer will 37 — every time!
(works for all single digits 1 through 9)

And try this: 37, when multiplied by a multiple of 3 will result in a repetition of digits, like 27 x 3 = 111 and 37 x 6 = 222. (This will work all the way up till 27)

And if that’s not enough….
If you take any multiple of 37, like 148 (37 x 4)
and reverse the digits: 841 and them put 0 in between the digits: 80401….
That number will be evenly divisible by 37 (80401 ÷  37 = 2173)

And you can’t even read the Bible without 37 popping up — in the New Testament, there are four chapters with a total of thirty-seven verses: Mark 7, Mark 13, Luke 17 and Acts 4.
Check out the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible….
2 Samuel 23:39: There were thirty-seven in all (David’s Mighty Warriors)
2 Kings 13:10: In the thirty-seventh year of Joash King of Judah, Jehoash son of Jehoahaz became king of Israel in Samaria, and he reigned sixteen years.
2 King 25:27: In the thirty seventh year of the exile of Jeholiachin kind of Judah, in the year Awel-Marduk became kind of Babylon, he released Jehoiachin king of Judah from prison. He did this one the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth month.
According to the Early Church Fathers, thirty-seven is a symbol of Christ. According to Gematria (an old Jewish method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words) the numerical value for the words “I am” is thirty-seven — so is ALEA, which means “Word of God.” And — thirty-seven is also the numerical value of the name Abel.
So I’m going to be keeping my eye out for 37 — it may be my new favorite number. I think I’ll use it as my age… if Jack Benny could be 39, I don’t see why I can’t be 37.
— 30 —

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2 Responses to Thirty-Seven

  1. Suzanne says:

    🤣 have never been a fan of math…and not sure what my angel number would be (though I’d guess 3)…but if you add my birth date together…it comes out to 37

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