Sad Story

I’ve always liked hot or spicy food. One of a number of places known for spicy food is Ethiopia. Years ago, I was TDY in Addis Ababa and as luck would have it, one of my good friends was assigned there and lived in a nice house along with his wife and little girl. While I was there, I had a number of meals with them. One dish that their cook made was one of my favorites. It consisted of a highly seasoned meat sauce made from mutton, beef, or chicken, spiced with the local hot pepper. The sauce was ladled onto a flat bread that was kind of like a spongy, flat pancake. Then the bread was rolled around the meat sauce, like what we call a “wrap.” You ate it like a sandwich. 

It turns out that I was there during the latter part of September when there is a big festival called Meskel — a holiday that is celebrated in commemoration of the Finding of the True Cross. Meskel means the cross in Amharic. 

But to finish my story, the mutton version of my favorite food is the favored dish for that annual festival  held near the end of September. 
My friend’s household help lived in a separate house behind my friend’s house and they had been feeding and raising a small lamb since the spring in anticipation of the holiday feast. It turns out that my friend’s daughter had become very fond of the lamb. 

On the day of the festival, the “servants” invited my friend and his family to dinner at their house. I was also invited. We had drinks and then there was a big ceremony in presenting the main dish — my favorite — made of lamb. Needless to say it devastated their little girl. The lamb had become a pet to her and she couldn’t believe anyone could eat it — especially her. I remember my friend trying to explain to the hosts why she was so upset — they were very gracious, but I’m sure they really didn’t get it.

I think this is a funny story, but it’s also a really sad story — I can imagine how that little girl felt. One of the cruel lessons of life we all have to learn growing up, I suppose…..
— 30 —

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One Response to Sad Story

  1. Suzanne says:

    Aww that poor girl! My dad had a similar situation about his family having a chicken when he was a boy.
    Our friend once made us savory “blintz” with a crepe pancake dough and seasoned meat for the filling like a wrap.

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