Happy New Year

Well, here it is the last day of the year — time for the annual ritual of making New Year Resolutions.
Most years I make a list — sometimes fairly short and sometimes longer that Santa’s naughty or nice list. A lot, if not most, people make lists and I’ve heard statistically that they usually give up by the first of February. My personal goal is to keep all the resolutions on my list until noon on January 1st.
So why do we make resolutions? I’m not sure but I guess most of us are somewhat goal-driven and we need something to strive towards. But on the other hand, why do we insist on setting ourselves up for failure?
I’m usually pretty good about not making promises that I can’t keep — usually if I tell someone that I’ll do something, I do it. But on New Year’s Eve, I, along with a lot of other people, seem to go brain dead and promise all sorts of things that we know full well we won’t do — and — we don’t even feel bad about it. I bet if you think about it, if you set a goal any other time during the year, you’re much more likely to follow through.
I’ve heard it said that he who breaks a resolution is a weakling and he who makes one is a fool.
So here goes….

I will spend less than one hour a day on the Internet.
I will take up some worthwhile new habit.
When someone tells me a joke, I will laugh, not reply, “LOL.”
I will buy at least one lottery ticket — but at a luckier store.
I will watch more TV — it’s very educational.
I will unfollow everyone that puts a New Year’s Resolution on Facebook.
I will be more imaginative.
I will forget past mistakes and press on to greater mistakes
I will walk 1 to 2 miles every day — or at least consider it.
I will be more awesome than last year.
I will pay more attention to the important thing in   hey,look! A shiny object…

Happy New Year to all!!!
— 30 —


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3 Responses to Happy New Year

  1. Claire says:

    It would be very difficult to be more awesome than you already are….

  2. Jimmy says:

    Oh just you wait….

  3. JR says:

    I was wondering how he could be more awesome then he already is, so I will resolve to watch him try.

    Happy New Year

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