
Ten years ago today, this blog’s entry read in part “…. Emily weighed seven pounds (exactly) and was 21 inches long. If you divide 7 into 21 you get 3 which just happens to be the date she was born (and my favorite number.) If you’re one of those people that think numbers mean something (or even if you’re not) I think the meaning here is pretty clear — this is no ordinary baby ……”

You don’t have to be a real stable genius to figure out that today is our first grandchild’s birthday. From the very first time I saw her, I predicted great things from her… and once again, I was right. When Emily graduated from kindergarten, she was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up — her response was “a hula hoop dancer.” That was a pretty lofty goal, but I think she’s already exceeded it.

We don’t see her as much as we once did, but growing up means a lot of other interests and activities that take a lot of time. We still miss her sleep-overs but life goes on and Emily seems to be off to a good start. She’s adapted to this new “virtual world” probably better than most and next week will again be working from home when the new school years starts.

As I mentioned in my first blog about her, I figured that the numbers 7, 21 and 3 foretold good fortune for her — but today, we add another number. Not that she hasn’t always been, but today it becomes official — she’s a “Perfect Ten!”
Happy Birthday, Emily!!!
— 30 —

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One Response to Ten

  1. Claire says:

    And that is the absolute truth!

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