August People

Back in June, I commented on an article that I’d read that discussed how the month in which a person is born determines that person’t characteristics. I mentioned that even though a lot of people don’t believe that your destiny is determined by the stars, astrology is apparently fascinating to many people. From time to time you see lists published of the most searched for words or terms on the Internet and astrology and horoscope are almost always on the list, and often near the top. 

Well, anyhow, both Claire and Dave were born in June, so I included what the article indicated would be the personal characteristics of those born in June. (You can check the June blog entries, if you’re interested.)

Since my birthday is this month, I guess it’s only fair to reveal my personal characteristics, at least according to this very scientific article, obviously written by someone very, very smart….

“ August babies have an outgoing personality and take risks. They thrive on attention and have very little self-control. Those born in August are kind-hearted and self-confident. Their loud and boisterous ways mean you will always spot them in a crowd. August babies hold a grudge but they are very easy to get along with and chat to. Those born in August have an “everything’s peachy” take on life. They love to talk and sing their way through life. Music is also a big part of August babies’ personalities. They have a tendency to daydream and are easily distracted. They resent not being trusted and possess a vivid imagination. August babies love to be loved. Studying is the bane of August babies’ existence. They are big believers in that “special someone” and long for freedom. If they feel hemmed in, August babies will rebel. They live their lives according to the motto “no pain no gain.” They are playful with a mysterious side too. Everyone considers August babies charming and beautiful. They have a stubborn streak and are curious. August babies think for themselves and are strong-willed. They are fighters.”

Well, there you have it — me in a nutshell.
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2 Responses to August People

  1. Mike+and+Sue says:

    We wish you a most WONDERFUL, HAPPY & HEALTHY August Birthday!
    With lots of LOVE!

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