Just Wonderin….

The other day I wondered out loud — well, actually I wrote it down in this blog, about why people would park their cars — worth thousands of dollars outside and use their garages as a place to keep (mostly) useless junk.

After I had published the blog, I wondered why I had wondered about such a foolish thing. There’s lots of important things to wonder about — even more important than wondering why people don’t take care of their cars. But it occurs to me that I wonder about a lot of insignificant things. We probably all do sometimes, but i”m beginning to wonder why I wonder about things that aren’t really important.

Before Christmas, we were in a Toys-R-Us store buying some toys for some kids at church that had recently lost their dad. While we were waiting for the clerk to find something in the back, I was wandering around looking at things and someone asked a store employee if they had a particular toy gun – specifically he asked for an AK-47. He was told that those types of toy guns are illegal (in Virginia) and the store could not carry them. I wondered why you can buy a real machine gun, but toy guns are illegal?

There was a blurb on the news the other night about someone having a medical issue and the ambulance taking so long to get to the house that the person had died. I got to wondering why would it take so long for an ambulance to respond? If the guy had ordered a pizza at the same time, it probably would have arrived and the guy could have eaten it while waiting for the ambulance. Why should you be able to get a pizza delivered to your house faster than you can get an ambulance?

One thing I’ve often wondered about is the placement of pharmacies in drugstores (and now department stores, food stores, etc.) The pharmacy is always in the back — so sick people have to walk all the way through the store to get their prescriptions and probably manage to infect lots of people in the store on the trip to the back. I’ve also noticed that tobacco products, including cigarettes, are almost always up front, near the door. I guess that’s so second hand smoke doesn’t kill the customers. I just wonder….

We had people over the other night and the discussion turned to politics — not something I particularly like to discuss. I got to wondering about the word politics and why it’s used to describe the process used in Washington. I figured I shouldn’t finish this entry without some extensive research, so I looked up the origin of the word politics. It makes sense — comes from the Latin — ‘poli’ or ‘poly’ meaning many and ‘ticks’ or tics’ meaning bloodsucking creatures or parasites. I wonder why that particular word was chosen?

Maybe I should just stop wondering….


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One Response to Just Wonderin….

  1. JR says:

    Never stop wondering, it is too amusing for the rest of us!

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