Out With the Old

The year is drawing to a close and it’s time for me to come up with my resolutions for 2020. As always, I go through this routine telling you how most people (including me) don’t keep their resolutions, so why bother. 

A new year, with a nice clean new calendar is just a sign that its a good opportunity to start anew — a new beginning if you will. Of course we really don’t need a new year — every day is a new beginning. But — no one is going to write new resolutions every day… so the start of the new year is a good time to do it.
Recently, I’ve shortened my list and made resolutions that are more realistic. I’m going to continue that practice again for 2020. So here goes….

• I will drive by the Shepherd Wellness Center at least once a month. I know, the last couple of years I’ve resolved to drive by once a week, and I’ve never achieved that goal. So I’m relaxing the criteria. We all know that keeping fit requires a lot of discipline, but hopefully I’ll stick with it this year.
• I promise to wave more often to strangers. This is sort of an extension of last year’s resolution to make a new friend every month. I think it’ll help make the world a better place.
• I promise to give one compliment a day. Again, building on last year’s pledge to make a new friend every month… I think you may be sensing a trend here.
• I will try a totally new restaurant. This one seems like a slam-dunk, but you never know….
• I will never back up more than necessary….
• I will talk less, listen more. I think I can do this — if Claire reads this, she’ll do the old eye-roll. But, we’ll see around this time next year who’s eating humble pie.

(I was going to quit all my bad habits for the new year, but then I realized that nobody likes a quitter.)
So there they are — my New Year’s Resolutions for 2020. As always, you can check back here next year about this time to see how I did.

We have a whole new year ahead of us. Wouldn’t it be nice if could all be a little more loving, and have a little more empathy — maybe by next year at this time, we’d all like each other a little more.
Here’s hoping that every day of 2020 is filled with happiness, success and prosperity for everyone….
— 30 —

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One Response to Out With the Old

  1. Claire says:

    I did read your post and as predicted did roll my eyes.

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