Worry Worry Worry

Well, since the Mayan calendar proved to be wrong, I’ve been worrying all year about what to worry about. Seems like you should always have some sort of doomsday scenario tucked away just in case you feel the need to worry. If you’re worrying about the end, having to drink white wine instead of red doesn’t seem so significant.

Anyhow, just when I thought I might have to spend the entire year worrying about little things, I heard about a new asteroid (Apophis) that just may well hit the earth! And the really good news is that the collision won’t occur until April 13, 2029. Man, that’s a few years of having my worries taken care of.

Now NASA says that this big rock poses no real threat to the Earth, but what do they know? They’re just scientists — not experts in doomsday scenarios.

Just to be safe, I looked it up — and the current predictions indicate the asteroid will come within 19,400 miles of the earth. That’s closer than the satellites in geosynchronous orbit, like Direct TV and Dish. So if that doesn’t give you something to think (and worry) about, I don’t know what will.

So let’s all live it up and make the best of things — looks like we’ve only got until 2029…


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One Response to Worry Worry Worry

  1. Kelly says:

    Well great. Just what I needed something else to worry about. But I’m sure I can find some worries to fill the next 16 years…

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