Monthly Archives: August 2024


Anyone that’s ever been to West Africa knows there is a saying, “WAWA.” It means “West Africa Wins Again.” If my experiences in that part of the world are any indication, I think there’s a lot of truth to it.One … Continue reading

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A Charming Neighborhood

Over the years we had a lot of “different” experiences and adventures. For a while we lived in one of the world’s oldest cities. We had a very nice, but rather small, house but it was plenty roomy enough for … Continue reading

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The White House

We all know that 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C is the address of the White House. But that building was originally named the “President’s House.” It was designed by Irish architect James Hoban under the direction of George … Continue reading

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Claire, like myself, had many jobs, and like me, couldn’t talk about most of them. But for a period of time she was a recruiter — she found “the right people for the right job.” Like everything she did, she … Continue reading

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Dinner is Served

It seems like I’ve written a lot about some of our dinner parties lately. We had a lot over the years, and believe it or not, some of them went off without a hitch. Then, of course, there are the … Continue reading

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Snail’s Pace

What did the snail say when it was riding on the tortoise’s back? Whee!We’ve all heard the phrase “a snail’s pace,” but just how fast does a snail travel? According to The World Almanac and Book of Facts, garden snails … Continue reading

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This has been a very hot summer here in Shepherdstown — lots of days of over 100 degrees. The weather is always a good topic for discussion, but any discussion about the weather is typically pretty boring. Heat waves like … Continue reading

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Bean Counters

I went to lunch with my neighbor last week and he insisted on picking up the check, because he could claim it as a business expense. He asked the waiter to split the check and include the drinks on a … Continue reading

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All About the Money

We’ve been to lots of places in the world and we have currencies from all or most of those places. We even have some “coin dolls” from Indonesia that are made from old Indonesian money. When I was in China, … Continue reading

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Pirate Justice

Got a text with picture from Suzanne and Mike (niece and nephew) — they apparently found a part of a pirate ship down around Lake Erie. I’ve always wished I had been a pirate and often blog about them. So … Continue reading

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