Monthly Archives: June 2024

Seeing Red

I’ve been fortunate to have done a lot of things over the years. Years ago, I attended a bullfight in Spain. It was quite a spectacle with lots and lots of enthusiastic fans. The matador was dressed in mighty fancy … Continue reading

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Beer Belly

My neighbor’s hobby is visiting various breweries — locally, and wherever he might be while traveling. Usually a few times a week, we get together in the late afternoon and discuss things in general and often solve some of the … Continue reading

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June 13, 2024

Happy Birthday, Menoi,I talk about you a lot and tell stories about you and all the fun things you did. I’ve come to the realization that you were the “fun” in the family. Without you around I have to work … Continue reading

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When out daughter was about 2 or 3 years old, she went to a pumpkin patch with some friends. She came home with this huge pumpkin. I asked where she got it and she said she won it. I asked … Continue reading

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Oliver Cromwell was an interesting character.Probably the one thing that made him the most interesting to me is this:He was hanged and decapitated in 1661. He died in 1658. Ok — I probably have your attention by now.Oliver Cromwell was … Continue reading

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Two or three years ago, there was a presentation at our church discussing the differences between the Koran and the Bible. I thought it was very interesting and the intent was to give both “sides” a better understanding of each … Continue reading

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Coming Together

Every day when you read the news, there’s always one or more articles about the war in Ukraine, or more recently Israel and the middle east conflicts. There’s always a war going on someplace on the planet, so the fact … Continue reading

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AI — Sherlock

You can hardly read a magazine or newspaper or watch TV without running across the topic of Artificial Intelligence. AI is becoming more “humanized” every day. I read the other day that law enforcement organizations are looking more and more … Continue reading

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He Was A Funny Guy

On April 13, 1844, the New York Sun published a story about the first transatlantic balloon flight. The story said that a Mr. Monck Mason, and his crew in Wales, tried to cross the English Channel, but got caught in … Continue reading

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Most of us have at least heard of, if not read about, Sherlock Holmes — a famous fictional detective created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. One of the things Sherlock Holmes is most remembered for is a line that supposedly … Continue reading

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