Monthly Archives: May 2024

Absurd Laws

I had a conversation with my son a few days ago and one of the topics was setting boundaries for kids. It’s natural for kids to not like rules, but they’re necessary to live in an organized society. Even I … Continue reading

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Being All Talk Was Good

This subject is something that’s always been of interest to me and I’ve intended to write about it for a long time. The subject is American Indian Code Talkers. How important were they to all of us? They were extremely … Continue reading

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Howard and Me

Those of you that know me well, know that I had a relationship with Howard Hughes — not a personal relationship, but one in which he was influential in a project I was involved in a number of years ago.  … Continue reading

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Mother’s Day

Today is Mother’s Day — a holiday attributed to a West Virginian, Anna Jarvis, who campaigned for a dedicated day to honor mothers. She organized the first Mother’s Day celebration at a church in West Virginia — she passed out … Continue reading

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A lot of people associate the appearance of butterflies with messages beyond death. The significance of butterflies as signs of life after death appears to be a world wide belief and many people believe that butterflies are messengers sent by … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday

May 9, 1976 was Mother’s Day and on that day, your mom became a mother — and — I became a dad. Happy Birthday Kelly!!!!— 30 —

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Today would have been our 52nd wedding anniversary. Since our marriage on May 6, 1972 we were together — physically — 18,896 days. Of course, we’re still together — our relationship didn’t end, it only changed. As my now favorite song … Continue reading

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