Monthly Archives: December 2023

The Long And Short Of It

Well, we’ve arrived at the winter solstice. If there was a popularity contest, I’m pretty sure that the winter solstice would win as the least popular solstice. The winter solstice occurs on the shortest day — and longest night — … Continue reading

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Well, it is the Christmas season, and a few days ago, I heard the term “Jimminy Christmas” used. I’ve heard this phase pretty much all my life — more so when I was younger than in recent years. ButI wondered … Continue reading

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Yellow Journalism

Yesterday, we talked about the Spanish-American War and the fact that it was a pretty lop-sided affair. Something that I didn’t mention and probably should have, because it’s interesting, is that war kind of spawned the term “yellow journalism.” You … Continue reading

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War Games

As you well know, the news has been, and is, full of news about wars — Gaza and Ukraine headline the news most days. I guess there’s been a war going on somewhere just about forever. Some we can remember … Continue reading

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Up, Up and Away

This year — 2023 — we’ll celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Wright brothers’ first powered flight. That flight took place on December 17, 1903. Wilbur and Orville Wright are regarded as the geniuses who ushered in the “age of … Continue reading

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What’s the Matter?

Scientist have discovered and know a lot about matter. The dictionary defines matter as a physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy. … Continue reading

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Bill of Rights Day

Today, December 15, is Bill of Rights Day. The Bill of Rights Day didn’t exist until Franklin D. roosevelt’s presidency — President Roosevelt made it a national holiday in 1941 — one the document’s 150th anniversary. The Bill of Rights … Continue reading

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Space Invader

On today, December 14, in 1807, residents from Vermont to Connecticut looked up at the sky and saw a red fireball. The fireball was described as being about two-thirds the size of a full Moon. The fireball broke apart and … Continue reading

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Today is St. Lucia (also called Lucy) Day — she was a fourth-century martyr. Her name is derived from the Latin lux, meaning “light.” Before the Gregorian calendar reform (in 1582, and adopted in Great Britain and the American colonies … Continue reading

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I read an article yesterday that stated that LEGO had failed in an attempt to make their product more environmentally friendly. LEGOs have always made their “bricks” out of plastic — it’s not a recent thing, that they turned to … Continue reading

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