Monthly Archives: November 2023

First Tuesday (After First Monday) in November

Today is election day. A few blogs back I mentioned that “Election Day” has become part of the month of November — and — the reason, surprisingly, is because of the farmers. I found that interesting, so I thought that … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday Locke

Happy Birthday to my most favorite grandson. Locke, I hope you have the kind of birthday you deserve, with lots of presents, cake, ice cream. You make me proud every day. Love you lots!!!!Poppi— 30 —

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Time Again

Last night is the night we “fell back” an hour. It was time for Daylight Saving Time to exit, so we can get back to Standard Time. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of moving the clocks forward one … Continue reading

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Will Rogers Day

Today is Will Rogers Day — well, not really, I guess, but it is his birthday. He was born on November 4, 1879 in what is now Oklahoma. About the only place that’s it’s really “Will Rogers Day,” is in … Continue reading

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It’s The Law

We’ve all heard something to the effect, it’s just Murphy’s Law. Well, that got me to thinking — who the heck is this Murphy and how did he get his own law?“Murphy’s Law” states that anything that can go wrong … Continue reading

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Happy Anniversary

Happy Tenth Anniversary to Locke, Rory and Ellie’s parents — and — my favorite son and his wife.Happy Anniversary, Dave and Chassie.Love you guys!!!!— 30 —

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A Day for the Saints

Yesterday, the day after Halloween, was All Saints’ Day — it’s celebrated on November 1. In the Eastern Orthodox Church and some others, it is observed on the first Sunday after Pentecost. Today is a day when all the saints … Continue reading

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November — 2023

Welcome to November. November is often referred to as a transitional month — say goodbye to fall, because winter is coming. Louisa May Alcott, who wrote Little Women, put a line in that book that November is the most disagreeable … Continue reading

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