Monthly Archives: November 2023

Happy Gose Day

Today is more of a day for celebration in Germany than the United States, but I remember a number of years ago, our friend Winfried mentioned it and I thought it might be good to pass along the information….Every year … Continue reading

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You Want Fries With That?

We don’t go to McDonald’s often — actually we rarely go to McDonald’s. Living overseas years ago, lots of people that I was stationed with would say one of the first things they were going to do when they got … Continue reading

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We periodically play the lottery — we never win, but maybe that’s a good thing. A lot of people believe there is such a thing as a lottery curse. Some people say that the lottery is cursed because your chances of … Continue reading

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Words Hurt

I often hear and read things that annoy me — but usually I just get annoyed, and then move on. But a few days ago, I read something that is more than annoying to me — it’s truly disturbing.  Veterans … Continue reading

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Ladies Choice?

Sadie Hawkins Day is a “holiday” that is still celebrated today — but not so much as it once was. Sadie Hawkins Day is celebrated every year on November 13 — well, at least in some places. It seems that … Continue reading

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Happy Diwali

People in our neighborhood are from India. I’ve spent a little time in India, and and was aware that today, November 12, is special day — in fact it’s a public holiday in India. Diwali, or Deepawali is a festival of … Continue reading

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Veterans Day — 2023

Today is Veterans Day and to get this out of the way first, it’s not Veteran’s Day or Veterans’ Day, it’s Veterans Day — no apostrophe. It isn’t a day that belongs to one or multiple veterans — it honors … Continue reading

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A Barrel of (Fun?)

You don’t hear about these stunts so much anymore — I guess the Evel Knievels of the world have kind of retired. Anyhow, I’m not sure how it came up, but the question is — who was the first person … Continue reading

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Fake News?

There seems to have been a lot in the news lately about terrible things politicians and people related to them have (supposedly) done. There’s been all sorts of uproars about President Biden’s son, Hillary Clinton, various senators and governors, etc. … Continue reading

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Rainbows are pretty cool — you can almost never see one without pointing it out to others around you. Of all the places I’ve been, Hawaii is the place I’ve seen the most rainbows — you can pretty much count … Continue reading

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