Monthly Archives: September 2023

TLAP Day — 2023

Well, here be me most favorite holiday again — Talk Like a Pirate Day. Today everyone around here will be calling each other “me hearties,” be donning their finest eye patches and pulling the usual shenanigans that they do every … Continue reading

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Red, Yellow, and Green

They’ve closed a major road going through Harpers Ferry and due to the closure lots of the traffic is re-routing through Shepherdstown. There is no traffic light in Shepherdstown — only a 4-way stop, and traffic is really backing up … Continue reading

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Constitution Day

As I’ve mentioned before, this is one of those days that don’t get enough recognition — It’s Constitution Day. I’m not sure our constitution has ever been on shakier ground than it is today. All of us owe more than … Continue reading

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Oktoberfest — 2023

Well, here it is September and time for Oktoberfest to begin. That’s always just seemed wrong to me — Oktoberfest should be in October, not September…. but after all these years, it’s probably not going to change. The Bavarian Inn, … Continue reading

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World Ozone Day

Tomorrow is World Ozone Day. The day is “celebrated” every year and every year there is a specific theme. This year, in 2023, the theme is Montreal Protocol: fixing the ozone layer and reducing climate change.  The Montreal Protocol, finalized … Continue reading

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Medical Advice

There’s been a lot in the news lately about the medical profession — most of it not particularly good. We keep hearing about all the “burn-outs” due to an overworked profession and then of course there’s the occasional medical “scandal” … Continue reading

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Milwaukee — More Than Beer

As is often the case, Israel was in the news yesterday — and it included a little blurb on Golda Meir. I’m sure you know that Golda Meir was the Middle East’s first female head of state and she was … Continue reading

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To The Moon

You remember back in July, I talked about the first (human) landing on the Moon. Well, today’s the anniversary of a special milestone in making that happen. As a bit of background, on May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy … Continue reading

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I know every year on this date, I write about the events that occurred in 2001, but I think it’s important. The phrase “never forger” has become synonymous with September 11 — we should never forget what happened and do … Continue reading

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Grandparent’s Day

Today, September 10, 2023, is Grandparent’s Day. Both the readers of this blog know that Grandparent’s Day has it’s roots here in West Virginia. Grandparents Day is observed on the first Sunday after Labor Day in both the United States … Continue reading

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