Monthly Archives: June 2023


A few months ago, we had tickets to see the Broadway musical “Hamilton” at the Kennedy Center. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to go, but Claire, Kelly and Emily went. I’m sorry I missed it — I’m not a big fan … Continue reading

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Today, June 6, is “D-Day,” the anniversary of the Allied invasion of Normandy and acknowledged as the greatest amphibious invasion in history. This is one of those days that should commemorate an event that should never be forgotten. Three years … Continue reading

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We save a lot of “stuff.” Most of it we’ll never use, but we save it “just in case.” I think Claire is worse about saving stuff than I am, but maybe not….Anyhow, both of us grew up in households … Continue reading

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Country Names

They say that everybody comes from somewhere, but I was wondering how did these somewheres get their names? It looks like countries names are just like our first names that are handed to us without input and inherited, arbitrary, and … Continue reading

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Yea…. Curmudgeon

We recently renewed our AARP membership, maybe optimistically, for another three or so years. It’s a worthwhile organization and their publications often have articles of interest to me. Recently there was an article that discussed some things that older people … Continue reading

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June — 2023

Well, here it is June already — and carrying on this year’s practice of talking a bit about each upcoming month, let’s discuss June. June’s full Moon will occur in a couple of days (nights) on June 3, reaching peak … Continue reading

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