Monthly Archives: March 2023

Code of Hammurabi

Back in January, I talked about Friday the 13th and that some people believe Fridays and the number 13 are related to bad luck. If you happened to read that entry, you may remember that I mentioned the Code of … Continue reading

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Cinco de Marcho

Today is Cinco de Marcho — not Cinco de Mayo — that’s on the 5th of May. This holiday has been around since 2007 and is celebrated annually on March 5th.This “made-up” holiday was invented by a man that goes … Continue reading

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There’s a lot of indicators that I’m getting old, but one of them kind of came as a surprise to me — when I listen to the news, some of the words they use don’t make any sense. This is … Continue reading

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Hello March

Today is a day I always look forward to — the first day of March. No matter what the weather turns out to be, I just seem to feel better knowing it’s March. I realize it’s not quite spring, but … Continue reading

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