Monthly Archives: March 2023

Raccoon Dogs

Listening to the news the past few days, I kept hearing that Coronavirus is now believed to — possibly — have come from raccoon dogs. Now even though I’m a pretty worldly guy, I had never hear of a “raccoon … Continue reading

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I was just thinking about all the early scientists that we learned about when we were in school. Were these guys really “scientists” or did they just make some incredibly lucky guesses? Legend has it that young Issac Newton was … Continue reading

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Paddy and the Werewolves

Every year I feel compelled to write something on St. Patrick’s Day, and every year I struggle to find something different to say about St. Patrick. If you read the previous entry, you’ll notice it kind of repeats the “regular … Continue reading

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Paddy — Not Pattie

This is one of those days I usually write about every year — and, there’s only so much you can say about a particular day/holiday… so I’ll probably repeat what I’ve written in past years, but the good thing about … Continue reading

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St. Nicholas, on whom the figure of Santa Claus was based, was born on the Ides of March in 270, making March 15 a day that will live in infamy….. no, that’s not right . I’m sure other bad things … Continue reading

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It’s Irrational

Pi is the most studied number in mathematics, and for good reason. The number Pi is integral to our understanding of geometry. It is used in physics, astronomy and, of course, mathematics as well as being used in architecture and … Continue reading

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Lesson Learned

During a recent “winter golf” get together, the conversation incorporated, like always, a few “war stories.” Most all of us “golfers” have had some interesting experiences through the years and sessions like winter golf gives us a chance to remember … Continue reading

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That Time Again

It’s that time again — time to change the clocks. It’s just something we do, and just like about everything today, it’s controversial. All of the United States, with the exception of a couple of states, practices daylight saving time. … Continue reading

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Reading — 2.0

A few weeks ago a friend loaned me a book to read. Claire mentioned that she’s like to read it and after I finished, she read it. We just returned the book. I finished the book in 2 or 3 … Continue reading

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Doctor’s Orders

Every time I go to the doctor, I’m told to “stay off ladders.” I suppose that’s good advice at my age and, probably, good advice in general. Ladders have been associated with bad luck I guess just about as long … Continue reading

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