Monthly Archives: December 2022


I was reading about various things that happened in 2022 and one event that happened near here had slipped my mind — in January the University of Maryland Medical Center transplanted a pig’s heart into a human. Unfortunately the man … Continue reading

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Did You Know

A few days ago, the subject was eggnog and how it became a Christmas tradition. A lot of other things we do, see and hear around Christmas have interesting backgrounds…. Reading the AARP magazine the other day, there was a … Continue reading

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Ten Important Amendments

Today is a day when we should all take a moment and think about our freedoms and how fortunate we are to have them. America has always been the “land of the free,” and a lot of that freedom is … Continue reading

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2022’s Edition

I’ve mentioned in the past that one of our Christmas trees is decorated with, among all the other ornaments, every Official White House Christmas ornament that has been released. Claire, and our Christmas tree, gets a new ornament every year.  … Continue reading

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Not Fake — Faux

A few days ago, Claire was texting with someone and the person had asked about our Christmas trees, wanting to know if they were real. (She had sent a picture and the person remarked that they really looked “real.”) Claire … Continue reading

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I heard something the other day that made me think of when I was a kid — boy was I gullible. I guess I wasn’t that much different than other kids…. when we were young, we all believed a lot … Continue reading

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Moon Talk

A couple of nights ago, Claire was talking or texting to one of her brothers and he asked if she’d seen the full moon — we didn’t see it here because of the cloud cover. But last night we had … Continue reading

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A few nights ago we had our first eggnog of the season. Although I’m pretty sure it’s available at other times, stores usually prominently display it and we usually only have it during the holidays, and probably more around Christmas … Continue reading

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Pearl Harbor Day

Today, December 7, is the 81st anniversary of “a date that will live in infamy.” On early Sunday morning of December 7, 1941, the sudden news reports of an attack by a foreign power stunned Americans just as much, if … Continue reading

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Saint Nicholas

Today, December 6, is St. Nicholas Day. Growing up, I never knew much about St. Nicholas Day — I never heard it mentioned by my parents, and obviously, it was never “celebrated.” When Claire was growing up, her family always … Continue reading

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