Monthly Archives: August 2022


Well, here it is again — August 6 — my birthday. You all know I’m not a particularly big fan of birthdays and especially not of mine. But, on August 6, 1938 I was born — I figured now is a … Continue reading

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Happy Valentine’s Day

I think I’ve mentioned before, that China has a number of “Valentine’s Days.” In the United States, we celebrate Valentine’s Day on the 14th of February. And fairly recently, 2/14 has become a popular celebration in China — imported from … Continue reading

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Don’t Wear Your Shoes in the Rain

We’ve had a lot of rain this year and while I’m not usually out much in it, it brought to mind something my mother always told me as a kid when I went out in the rain — “put on … Continue reading

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August — 2022

Every year, I say, “Wow, here it is August already!” But it’s true — here it is August already!For some reason, I’ve kind of gotten into the habit of talking about each upcoming month — so today, it’s August’s turn… … Continue reading

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