Monthly Archives: September 2020

Today’s (Virtual) Blog

Our grandkids started the new school year this week — well, at least virtually. Kids, like a lot of people, have taken up residence in virtual worlds lately. Although virtual wasn’t a foreign word to me, since the virus outbreak, … Continue reading

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Labor Day — 2020

For more than 125 years, Americans have celebrated Labor Day on the first Monday of September. It always signaled the unofficial end of summer, the dreaded return to school for kids, a time for great retail sales and initiation of … Continue reading

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Ten years ago today, this blog’s entry read in part “…. Emily weighed seven pounds (exactly) and was 21 inches long. If you divide 7 into 21 you get 3 which just happens to be the date she was born … Continue reading

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Well, here we are in September — summer is in the rear view mirror, here comes fall. Of course everything’s different this year, but usually September is a pretty busy month — start of school, football season, lots of crops … Continue reading

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