Monthly Archives: January 2020

The Cheerio Effect

Did you ever have a bowl of Cheerios and notice that when there are only a few Cheerios left floating on top of the milk, they tend to cluster together in little bunches — usually around the edge of the … Continue reading

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Red Barns

A few days ago we were driving near Boonsboro in Maryland. We passed a couple of nice barns and Claire remarked that they should be painted red — they were both white. Well, that got me to thinking — when … Continue reading

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First snow (in Shepherdstown) of the year, or the decade, or 2020 — your choice.But the days are getting longer…. sigh— 30 —

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Benjamin Franklin once said: “Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better man.”Me and Ben are on the same page….Happy New Year! — 30 —

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