Category Archives: Uncategorized

Serious Stuff

A few days ago President Biden indicated that he was going to have a ”come to Jesus” meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. When asked, Biden said that the expression “come to Jesus” was one that is commonly used … Continue reading

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Electrical Connection

All my life I’ve heard about people that supposedly “spontaneously combust.” I always put that in the category of old wives tales, or more recently fake news. But I ran across something interesting a few days ago that “appears” to … Continue reading

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In — Not Out

We’ve had a couple of nice days lately and in the afternoons, I’ve spent some time reading on the patio. We live in a very nice housing development, or “village.” There are quite a few kids in the neighborhood. But … Continue reading

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Deacon Brodie

While going through some of our old books to donate to a book sale, I ran across one about Robert Louis Stevenson — it contained an interesting story about his short story The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. … Continue reading

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I’ve always heard that the Titanic  was advertised as “unsinkable.” But I ran across an article the other day that indicated that the story of the ship that was billed as unsinkable going down on her maiden voyage isn’t exactly … Continue reading

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Florence Nightingale

While cleaning out our library, I ran across an interesting little book about Florence Nightingale. Not sure where it came from, but there were only about 10 or 12 pages, so I read through it. Here’s some interesting things that … Continue reading

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Cable Cars

Back in my working days, there was about a two year period that I spent a lot of my time in the San Francisco area. There was a lot I liked about the area and the city itself. One of … Continue reading

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A Giant Leap Forward

I was in China in 1972. Since the revolution in 1949, China was led by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. When I arrived, the country had been “closed” for more than 20 years. During my time there, I became friends with a … Continue reading

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Special Day

Don’t know if everyone has realized it yet, but today is a special day. Six months from today is Christmas — so I guess the countdown has begun and I imagine the stores will begin decorating in the next few days.And … Continue reading

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Vaxxers & Anti-vaxxers

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently wrote a book (On Call) describing, in part, his time fighting COVID. I remember all the controversy surrounding the development of the vaccines. I wonder how Edward Jenner would have handled that situation…. Smallpox was mentioned … Continue reading

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